M Becker

HomeM Becker

Recently, Adam assisted me in purchasing a Brisbane property in an excellent location, close to a train station and close to the city. His fulltime involvement in the real estate market and his ability to accurately assess values was of great assistance to me during the purchase stage. Despite a higher asking price, Adam held firm to the offer that he thought was right and he handled all negotiations and contact with the selling agent.

Having someone who has a law degree, prepare due diligence clauses and contract doesn’t hurt either. Adam’s expertise ensured a smooth and stress-free process during the contract stage and a purchase price that I was happy with.

Adam provides extensive research, to support his assessments of property values. The depths of his research and information provided in all respects, exceeds expectations.

I am especially pleased with the location of this property. Most importantly though, is the fact that the property offers development potential, that I would otherwise would not have recognised on my own. Adam has the ability to recognise value and opportunity.
Adam’s own considerable experience in developing property, was of particular value to me, during the due diligence stage of the purchase. He has an excellent knowledge of town planning, design and other issues relating to property development.
The property that I went to contract on, had some issues that needed thorough investigation, in order to be satisfied that our development expectations could be met. Adam brought many consultants into the due diligence investigations and liaised with them to decide on the best way, to build units on the site.

I was able to place full trust in Adam. If, at any stage of the due diligence period, we had struck problems without good solutions, he would have been the first to advise, that I walk away from the contract.

I found Adam to be honest, down to earth, and unassuming. His efficiency, communication and research are outstanding and he always goes the extra mile. Adam is a person of high integrity and a prospective property investor, who is searching for a Brisbane property, can feel exceedingly confident in dealing with Adam.

M Becker NSW